Cigar News: Congress Urges Department of Justice Inspector General to Investigate Operation Choke Point
Cigar News: Congress Urges Department of Justice Inspector General to Investigate Operation Choke Point

Cigar News: Congress Urges Department of Justice Inspector General to Investigate Operation Choke Point

Cigar News: Congress Urges Department of Justice Inspector General to Investigate Operation Choke Point
Cigar News: Congress Urges Department of Justice Inspector General to Investigate Operation Choke Point

Congress Urges Department of Justice Inspector General to Investigate Operation Choke Point


WASHINGTON, DC – A group of bi-partisan House of Representative Members of Congress has sent a letter to both the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility requesting an investigation into Operation Choke Point. The letter was sent on Thursday, October 16, 2014 and signed by thirty-three Representatives. As the letter notes, Operation Choke Point has been targeting, “non-deposit lending industry, pawnbrokers, firearms and ammunition manufacturers and retailers, and tobacco retailers.”

The letter continues by saying there is “no doubt in our minds that DOJ officials have abused their authority to advance a personal political agenda” and “the result of this initiative has been chilling.”

A copy of the full letter can be read here.

The Congressional Members have given a deadline of November 12, 2014 for a response from the Department of Justice.

More information can be found at (site down at time of posting).